About Us

Our Mission

Canadian Greenhouse Gas Emissions Consulting Firm

At Brightspot Climate, we believe in protecting our world for all species and for future generations. We focus on delivering innovative and practical solutions to the climate challenge.

Our team connects the dots between business, government, and the people in our communities to achieve shared sustainability goals.

Our Values

a light bulb on a white background


Being at the leading edge.

close-up of hands shaking in a circle


Honouring honesty.

a group of people putting their hands together


Bringing people together, celebrating our differences.

a couple of women wearing hard hats and overalls standing next to a white vehicle


Making meaningful impact.

a lake surrounded by trees and mountains


Staying strong through adversity.

close-up of a plant sprouting from the ground


Responsibly using and protecting the natural environment.

The Brightspot Story

The name “Brightspot” contains many facets of our company ethos. We strive to lead by example; we aim to be a figurative North Star in the climate-mitigation night sky. And as much as we are excited about tomorrow’s possibilities, we also have great respect for our history.

Brightspot School was a small, one-room school on the Saskatchewan prairie. Several members of the extended Schroeder family attended the school. In 1983, Lorne and Theresa Schroeder adopted the name for their family dairy farm, Brightspot Holsteins. “Brightspot” embodies the passion we have for our deep prairie roots and the special places we cherish.

a road leading to the horizon

At its core, our name demonstrates our company’s foundation in education, connection to the land, zeal for the environment, and hope for our families and friends. Together we can build strong communities, a healthier world, and a brighter future.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Brightspot Climate is a team of diversely identified individuals whose histories and families span the globe. We value our environment and wish to preserve it for the health and enjoyment of generations to come.

Our team is determined to challenge conventional workplace cultures and practices, following a fundamental guiding principle: change. At Brightspot, change means turning away from many of the traditional ideals often found in consulting workplaces and prioritizing meaningful and impactful work over extensive financial gain.

We work diligently to create and uphold equal opportunity, individual belonging, and work-life balance through our diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy—audited for efficacy against the Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Benchmarks.

Interested in Joining our Team?

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